2024 Is A Universal 8 Year

2024 Is A Universal 8 Year

It feels super exciting to embrace the numerology of 2024, that holds the awesome vibrational energy of 8 (two plus two plus four equals eight).

This universal 8 year is about empowerment, strength and believing in yourself. Turn the number 8 on its side and you clearly have the infinity symbol, bathing you in the promise of infinite possibilities and great good fortune!

2023 was aligned with 7 and the symbol of the sacred living tree; it was for restoring right relationship with yourself…an opportunity to branch inward and see the beauty of you as a spiritual being, having a wonderful relationship with Mother Earth. It was grounding you and preparing you for your personal mastery and magic in 2024.

I absolutely love inspirational quotes, even many of the biblical ones, that speak of planting sacred seeds in your soul and then gently tending to this garden in your heart with self-love, joy, creative expression and your marvellous capacity to daydream and imagine a bigger picture with you in it.

So in 2024 I invite you to replace the word ‘seed’ with ‘statement’…what statement will you embody to enable you to flourish and bloom in ways that you never thought possible? Because this ‘statement’ will support you to stay ‘Miracle-Minded’! (Thank you Florence Scovel Shinn for that line)

I suggest an evening of stillness to truly understand the old beliefs that you need to banish, and then erase them all with one super-charged statement that is truly worthy of your focus and fierce faith throughout 2024! With the energy of 8 you can end karmic cycles and create new pathways of prosperity and transformation.

Below are some ‘statements’ to help you design your own. It is very important that you totally vibe with your success statement… YOUR words are YOUR wand! Don’t let anyone or anything mess with the magic you are co-creating for your life.

‘I design with the Divine and I am blessed beyond belief in all ways!’

‘I am a marvellous magnet to money and miraculous outcomes!’

‘I am in harmony with the happiest, healthiest and wealthiest outcomes for my life!’

‘Lack and delay now crumble away and I am living a prosperous, passionate and positive life!’

Decree how you want your life to be! Pioneer new pathways with power! Really understand that what you focus on will become your living reality…will you rest your focus on the rich substance of personal well-being, creativity and success, or on the rotten fruit of resentment and fear?

2024 is for expansion, growth and achievement. Yes, there will be challenges and perhaps confronting situations, but stay true to you, your success statement and your awareness that you are the master of your own magic.

May miracles follow miracles and blessings never cease! Only love, Tanya xxx

***And YES! I absolutely chose to magnify this message by delivering to you on the 8/1/2024….8+1+2+0+2+4 = 17  1+7 = 8 xxx


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