This Libra New Moon directs you to dive deeply into the ceremony of Navaratri – a celebration of Divine Mother in all her forms. Navaratri means nine nights and during this time the blessings of her Shakti (energy) are magnified to support you to ignite your light! Naturally expanding your intuition and inspiring new intentions to flow forth unobstructed from your heart, like a river of love.
This is a program I originally created for the many beautiful souls in my meditation and soul illumination courses to follow while I was in India attending Navaratri at an ashram in Penukonda, so that we all felt connected. I have continued sharing this program for several years since...please enjoy this is powerful!
***do not begin this journey if you cannot complete it...this is important. You must commit to the nine nights to truly embody the energy held in this container***
Enjoy creating your altar with offerings of candles, colour, deities...whatever feels true for you to place will be perfect....and have a notebook and pen to complete the questions for each day...all blessings x
Day One - Maa Durga
Maa Durga rides upon a Tiger to show you that you possess unlimited power. Your I AM presence holds the courage and capacity to overcome all adversity and ascend through fresh perspectives to your higher heart to live your life in abundance and joy. You hold the sheer strength to wield the sword of the positive and dismantle the negative in your mind and environment. ( you can view Maa Durga here )
Daily Task; Go about your day with the fullness of the word Courage in your heart. Let Courage surface as inner strength in your choices, communication and creativity this day and every day.
Select something from nature that signifies Courage and Strength (ask Earth Mother for permission) and then place this upon your Altar of Awakening.
In the evening spend time in gratitude at your Altar, take out your notebook and ask yourself this question;
“Where in my life am I playing small? What old beliefs keep me from rising in the radiance of my full soul expression?
Write everything onto paper that flows into your awareness, then tear out the page, fold it into a small square and place it upon your Altar.
Say a prayer of personal empowerment and close your day feeling the fullness of Courage co-creating with Divine Mother to transform you from within.
All love and blessings Beloved Star Child of the Universe…xxx
Day Two - Durga Shakti
“The mighty battle between Durga and the demons is the inner struggle that invariably begins when we undertake real transformative practise…” Sally Kempton
Maa Durga meets you at the mirror! She leads you to look deeply at your reflection and supports you to respond with a mighty love that holds immense power to destroy your disempowering, limiting beliefs….about yourself and others.
Durga asks you to find a ferocious faith! She wields weapons in her many arms that are symbolic of your inner strength and your power to rise above resistance (the inner voice of control that can run rampant and run you!) Durga is the unstoppable energy of spiritual growth…what may be perceived as her cosmic ‘NO’ (door closing in your face) will manifest as a deep awakening when you let go and move into her mighty flow, because what you resist will persist!
Daily task; walk into your day with the word Power as a permanent mantra in your mind. Feel your Shakti Power rising within you, find your warrior spirit, cut down those inner demons and reclaim your inner radiance, your life force and flow.
Place something on your altar that is personally symbolic to you as representing your Inner Power - let it land in your awareness, you will be guided, I promise.
In the evening spend time in gratitude at your Altar, take out your notebook and ask yourself this question;
“What prevents me from unleashing my true power and my capacity to persevere against all negativity and interference, to live the life I was born to live?”
*go deep, be truthful…this is you meeting you in the mirror! Is it money, worrying what people will think or fear that makes you falter and forget your power?
Write everything onto paper that flows into your awareness, then tear out the page, fold it into a small square and place it upon your Altar.
Say a prayer of power and purpose and complete your day feeling the ferocity of your faith and the Shakti strength of Divine Mother Love.
All love and blessings Warriors of the Way of Love…xxx
Day 3 - Shakti Durga
“I let go of the need to be rigid and right, to let in the flow of the River of Light…” Tanya M AshaTara
Your shakti is your Divine Feminine nature and it is good to recognise that there are many petals to the Flower of Power! In as much as you have the strength of the tiger and the courage to unleash the warrior within; you are also balanced and bathed in the warm golden light of renewal and radiance…the heart of Divine Mother.
Her teachings lead you to understand that your sensitivity, your intuition and your vulnerability are extremely powerful - they align you with the rivers of renewal, the full flow of life force that is infinite in its capacity to sustain you, align you and ‘grow’ you into a greater consciousness of love.
Choose something to place upon your Altar today that represents radiant life force.
Daily Task; Walk your wonderful today with the word Vitality in your awareness, trusting that feeling the flows of the Divine Feminine surging through your veins is Vital to your reality as a spiritual being, navigating your soul’s perfect plan.
Notice when, what and who makes your energy slump, or flatten and pay attention to how your body responds to different energies and emotions.
Spend time in the stillness of your sacred space and ask yourself the following question;
‘What prevents me from taking responsibility for my radiant life force?
Is it that you do not recognise that you are intimately aligned with the cycles and seasons of nature…are you lazy in your ability to take action when inspiration lands? Are you waiting for someone or something to lift you into a fresh flow of time?
Write everything onto paper that flows into your awareness, then tear out the page, fold it into a small square and place it upon your Altar.
Complete your day feeling grateful and sacred in your skin…blessings xxx
Day 4 - Maha Lakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi personifies good fortune, prosperity and abundance, as well as beauty, grace, well-being and a child-like curiosity for life!
Lakshmi loves for you to be aware of all your senses; to truly savour all the things that bring you joy! She delights in your happiness and helps you to see the connection between physical wealth and spiritual wealth…her heart holds space for you to find balance through living your life with enjoyment and enthusiasm, whilst feeling your deep connection and devotion to the Divine Mother presence in your purpose upon this planet.
Gratitude and appreciation for the exquisite beauty that surrounds you in abundance, will always invite the Light of Lakshmi into your life…she loves to gift you with inspirational ideas and extraordinary synchronicity so that you get to live a life that you love, because this brings blessings to everyone and everything that comes into your presence and feels the true essence of your love and your joy…this brings hope. (You can view her beautiful statue here )
Place an item upon your altar today that represents beauty…remembering that beauty is in the eye of the beholder - perhaps it is something colourful, or textured or completely random, but it is beautiful to you and that is all that matters. Because the joy you experience in your heart, infuses the world with a positive vibration…you should always surround yourself with beauty, so that you naturally beautify your thoughts and your environment.
Daily Task: Walk this day with you eyes wide open to the rich beauty that exists everywhere….and open your heart to deep gratitude and appreciation for the teeny little things and the really big things…they are all connected, and so are you. Please ask yourself this question;
Where have you been blinded to beauty in your life?
Write everything onto paper that flows into your awareness, then tear out the page, fold it into a small square and place it upon your Altar. Enjoy some time of stillness and sanctuary with your Altar in the evening, visualise your light lifting the hearts of humanity…pray peace.
All love and blessings of illumination and grace…xxx
Day 5 - Beloved Lakshmi
Our Navaratri journey is a very special window of time to discover more of the essence of your true Divine nature; an opportunity to release resistance and allow ritual and devotion to direct you to new perspectives and purpose. There will be many specific teachings of the Mother that flow through you in our guided meditations and one area that Lakshmi loves to bring to your awareness is your relationship with money. ( view a beautiful framed image of Lakshmi here )
Lakshmi’s blessings of beauty and grace include your capacity to open your heart to receive, and whilst we all think that we are open to receive…are you really? Divine Mother manifests many ‘messengers’ to deliver abundance in your life - and that may include family, friends and even strangers. Yet so often you will refuse abundant offerings in almost a ‘martyr-like’ fashion…why?
Always remember the beautiful feelings that ‘land’ for you and inspire you to gift some-one with money or something else…how do you feel when they refuse? How do you feel when they accept with joy and delight? You must recall these feelings when some-one is gifting to you…receive everything with love and appreciation, because then the Universe knows that you are ready and willing to receive more…and more.
When your heart is truly open to receive, you become an irresistible magnet to money and the abundant blessings of Lakshmi - her prosperity will pour forth upon you like liquid light…so be open to receive…please!
Daily Task; Your focus word today is Abundance. Create feelings of rich abundance…imagine that your aura is attracting prosperity wherever you go. Visualise rays of golden light surrounding you and magnetising to you wonderful opportunities, surprises and money miracles. You may even feel inspired to ‘pay it forward’ sensing yourself as a Divine messenger of the Mother…whatever inspiration seeds in your awareness, please act upon it…TRUST in the river of riches that is available to everyone, we live on a planet of plenty, it is simply that many people have forgotten the spiritual law of circulation brings creation.
Place gold coins upon your Altar to welcome the wealth of Lakshmi and anything else that may come to mind as a symbol of prosperity for you. In the evening by your Altar, ask your self the following question;
“Where, when or how do I resist receiving in my life?’
Write everything onto paper that flows into your awareness, then tear out the page, fold it into a small square and place it upon your Altar. Spend time in gratitude for the blessings of Lakshmi that now for to and through you.
May miracles follow miracles and blessings never cease…xxx
Day 6 - Lakshmi and the Cosmic Conch
In Sanskrit, the conch shell is known as the ‘Shankha’. The sacred sound of the Shankha or Conch is aligned with the sound of ‘Om’, the first sound of creation, so this pure sound ushers in new beginnings and hope.
The Shankha is believed to hold the Cosmic energy of the Universe that is magnified when blown and you all know that this fine frequency of the Earth can be heard when you hold the conch shell to your ear…how magical!
Lakshmi holds the Shankha as a symbol of purity, brilliance and the promise of wealth and success; all that is yours by Divine law when your heart rests in right relationship with yourself and the world around you.
When you feel the presence of Lakshmi through your beautiful heart and devotional practise, her purity and peace inspires grace, which in essence is an unconditional acceptance that nobody is perfect and we are all living to the best of our ability with the consciousness that we have in that moment.
The beauty of being a graceful person is that you embody the awareness that you have the power to influence your environment positively and to watch in gratitude how your loving actions inspire others to do the same…but this requires patience and Trust that all is in Divine timing and exactly as it needs to be.
Grace is your spiritual salutation to the presence of Divine Mother’s wisdom in your heart that understands the need for energy to circulate and create wealth, well-being and joy.
Place a conch shell upon your altar today…or any shell that represents to you the waves of the ocean, the ebb and flow of life, a new moment in time. Or perhaps you feel drawn to hang a beautiful can view that here
Daily Task; Bring into your awareness the beauty of Grace. - stretch your spine to the spiritual sun, stand glorified in your holy heart presence and let your love flow! Let it flow like the ocean…consciously feel your energy like waves of wonderful transforming everything around you from within you…you have the Light of Lakshmi leading you through limitation to illumination….feel the Joy!
As you rest in gratitude before your Altar of Awakening, ask yourself the following question;
What old thoughts and feelings need to go, so that I can grow in the light of Lakshmi and Be Grace?
Write everything onto paper that flows into your awareness, then tear out the page, fold it into a small square and place it upon your Altar.
May Lakshmi’s waves of wealth bless you beyond belief…xxx
Day 7 - Saraswati and the White Swan.
Beloved Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom, music, poetry and the arts. In Sanskrit the word ‘Sara’ means “essence” and ‘swa’ means “self”, so Saraswati blesses you with the ‘essence of the self’…or as I like to say, your True Divine Nature. You can view a beautiful statue of Saraswati here.
As with Maa Durga (the tiger) and Lakshmi (the owl), Saraswati also has a totem animal or ‘vehicle’ which is the beautiful white swan. Saraswati’s swan is said to have a beak so sensitive that it can discern pure milk from inferior ‘watery’ milk which is deeply symbolic of the wisdom within you that holds the power to discern between right choices for your spiritual path and disempowering choices that will not serve you.
White Swan also represents light, grace, beauty, love and purity, a gentle embodiment of the Divine Feminine qualities that include your natural intuition or inner knowing and this is a large aspect of Saraswati’s blessings; She will always support you to trust in the wisdom within you.
Daily Task: Hold in your heart the word of Wisdom…have an intention to ‘be wise’ throughout your day, which may translate as removing the need to rush or hurry, breathing deeply before making decisions and trusting that “You Do without Doing, and Everything gets Done…”
Place upon your Altar today a favourite quote; inspirational words of wisdom that seeded in your heart and supported the beauty of you to blossom in your life. Write it on a card and re-remember the rich blessing of this quote in your life and share into the group.
When resting in gratitude with your altar in the evening, ask yourself this question;
How does it feel for me to go against my intuition?
Write all that flows to you onto paper then fold and place upon your altar with all your other folded pieces of paper….you are in a process of healing and transformation.
Thank you for your willingness to celebrate the blessing of Divine Mother…all love xxx
Day 8 - Saraswati and the currents of Co-Creation
Saraswati will nudge you and nurture you into your creative capacity to embody higher consciousness. She loves to teach you the power of spiritual law that exists through the spoken word; how you are an instrument of Divine Source Intelligence, born of the sacred sound of OM with an I AM presence of infinite potential.
Your thoughts are in constant co-creation with the spiritual laws of the universe; whether silent or spoken, your thoughts are manifesting as matter - as your reality. Which is why you and you alone, can be the change you wish to see in your world.
Your words will be your wand or your weapon…you choose! Your words hold the power to manifest miracles or misfortune in your life and this is where the heart of Saraswati lovingly supports you to empower your creative soul expression from the wisdom within you, knowing that you have a voice and a choice…choose you!
Be the living prayer of your potential…Love out Loud.
Daily Task: Flow forth this day with the word Co-Creation etched into your heart. Be conscious of what you are creating for yourself and others with your positive thoughts, speech and actions.
We all have favourite words that really speak to our soul; like Joy, Peace, Light, etc choose a word that you love and that always lifts your vibration…write it on a card and place upon your Altar. In the evening journal around the following question;
Are your thoughts polluting or empowering your potential? What areas of your life could do with a bit more Joy Juice?
Write it all out, tear out and fold into a square to place upon your altar…you should be getting a bit of a pile now. If you have missed any of the tasks, go back and do them, it is important for your devotion and direction.
All blessings of illumination and joy…xxx
Day 9 - Saraswati - the Goddess of Revelation
Om Shreem Hreem Saraswati-ya Namaha
*roughly translates as;
- Om – the cosmic sound of the universe, of Creation
- Shreem – the sound vibration of abundance and prosperity
- Hreem – the sound vibration of the power of the universe
- Saraswatyai – the exquisite light and wisdom of Saraswati
- Namaha – a salutation of reverence for the goddess and translated as “I bow”
You will nearly always see Saraswati sitting, holding with two hands (she has four) her musical instrument called the Veena, resting upon a white lotus symbolising Light, Truth and Knowledge.
Her other two arms hold mala beads to support your mantra practise and a book of sacred text. Like Maa Durga and Lakshmi, Saraswati brings to your awareness your pure Shakti power, the Divine feminine energy that can deeply transform your life in profound ways.
Saraswati loves to lead you into the light of your creative expression so you can experience the Joy of unleashing your unique gifts; She brings the inspiration and motivation to try something completely new in the area of the arts or further education.
Saraswati’s blessings of revelation is you discovering more about you! Exploring your potential through pursuits that make you feel happy and your soul sing. Invoke her presence for the courage to begin and the commitment to complete.
Daily Task: Visualise the White Lotus as your Crown Chakra, every petal holds the promise of possibility and new purpose. Feel the beauty of your light breathing Inspiration into your imagination…walk your wonderful this day and every day feeling truly inspired by life!
Place upon your altar and idea or intention to learn or experience something new in the creative arena. Could be painting, dancing, sculpture, creative writing or any form of study or learning; write it out on a piece of paper (do not put it with the other folded notes of release that you have been doing every evening) place somewhere prominent, feeling excited to even ‘write’ it ‘out loud’.
In the evening when you are spending time in gratitude by your Altar, please ask yourself this question:
What prevents my natural adventurous spirit from experiencing new things? And what prevents me from completion in areas of my life?
Write all that flows to you onto paper then fold and place upon your altar with all your other folded pieces of paper….this is the last day that you will be doing a daily task…enjoy this final release…xxx
Day 10 - Completion of Navaratri
This is a day of celebration! A day to fully embody, experience and express the golden light energy of your True Divine Feminine Nature. Shine and share your light and joy across the planet. Honour your willingness to walk this journey with me, knowing that you are worthy to receive the blessings and miracles of Mother Divine, this day and every day.
Today you have one final task, which supports the completion of this very sacred ceremony and illuminates all the new inspiration, healing and awareness that you have received.
Take all the folded papers that you have been placing upon your altar, containing the old aspects of you that no longer serve you in any way and burn them in an appropriate, safe place.
You are literally burning away your old beliefs in your own special fire ceremony. Honour the birth of new beginnings in your life, fuelled by the flames of your sacred fire that represent flames of love…deep deep self-love.
You are truly a beloved Light Being of the Universe! Walk your wonderful upon this planet! Let your love go viral…be vibrant in your victory of Light! Make a decision to self to take small steps towards big outcomes, remembering that all wisdom, power and love is within you…journey forth in ease and grace, be in devotion to your Divine direction.
I honour deeply all that you are and all that you are becoming…you are blessed beyond belief and you are held…held in a heart space of grace that is Divine Mother love. Thank you for sharing your light...Tanya xxx