Did you know that your soul knows exactly what you came to shine and share with the world? Life happens and sometimes you can find yourself feeling stuck or a bit confused or too busy to even wonder about the wisdom within you, let alone the gifts you came to give.
The universe is constantly revealing little signs of support for your soul path and one of the favourite ways is through people that you notice, that capture your heart or surround you everyday.
I have a beautiful exercise that you can do right now to gain some insight around your purpose and potential; think of 2 people that you admire (they can be alive or dead) and ask yourself why? It can be anyone…family member, musician, movie star, significant person in history, barista, best friend…let 2 people drift into your awareness and really feel what it is about them that truly inspires you.
Now here is the magic!
The only reason you can see all the beautiful qualities in the people you admire, is because you possess these qualities in you!
Your soul ‘sees’ this truth and guides you to pay attention to these people and the gifts that they share.
For example: a participant in one of my courses (let’s call her Jane) chose as one of ‘her people’, Coco Chanel. CC found the corset type undergarment that all women were made to wear in her day, under their dresses, extremely uncomfortable and it totally restricted them in activities like horse-riding. So her fierce faith and determination saw her change this movement and create tweed fabric trousers and boy-like white shirts. It was the fact that Coco Chanel was unafraid to be different, never gave up on her dreams and was completely comfortable in her own skin, that captured the attention of Jane.
Jane could feel her own soul ignited around having fierce faith and never giving up on her own dreams, which then inspired her to pursue a new study path that she had been considering.
You may only see or sense an inkling of the qualities of the 2 people you admire most and why within you, and even feel that they are totally suppressed and nowhere in sight! But this exercise may be all you need to begin to believe in the beauty of you and your infinite potential!
Feel free to share ‘your people’ with me in an email, I love hearing what inspires you and moves you. Here is my contact page for that…
All blessings of joy and inspiration, Tanya xxx