Beautiful Mother Moon aligns with Aries to flame your inner fire, the Divine spark within you…the lovely light of your true nature, for you are truly a living prayer of light, guided by the compass of compassion.
Aries will always inspire healing, harmony and strengthen your heart intentions by bringing you into the fullness of your light to restore right relationship with yourself and the world around you.
Sometimes your light is so bright and beautiful that it triggers people into a rage of resistance because they are personally struggling to feel the beauty of their own light, so feel a need to condemn yours. This usually unfolds through some sort of passive/aggressive persecution like the silent treatment, or excessive criticism, or they will seek to gather an ‘army’ against you or play on your good nature to sabotage a situation.
For spiritual navigators this can create moments of confusion, sadness and hurt that is physically felt as pain in your solar plexus, but please stay true to you and remember these powerful words gifted by Wayne Dyer -
‘How people treat you is their karma, how you respond is yours…’
Stay in your own lane of light, hold compassion in your heart and consciously choose to ‘love up’ the situation. Compassion is your ability to comprehend that we are essentially all seeking the same happiness, harmony and joy; understanding that people’s reactions to life reflect their consciousness in that moment of time and also understanding that perhaps you too once travelled that same road of reaction on your spiritual journey.
Honestly I know that with a heart of higher consciousness you will turn yourself inside out looking to find ‘what you did’ to create this in your life…but stop it now. There are many mysteries in this world and the Divine reveals understanding in perfect timing for your perfect plan. Your only job is to stay true to Your Divine Nature and nurture yourself with loving kindness as well as the others involved. Think of them as your inner child having a tantrum; you know that only love will soothe the sting.
Be grateful for this opportunity to stretch your spiritual muscles of magnificence; suffering on any level will always give gifts of strength, courage and creative inspiration. Remain a living prayer of light through your willingness to ‘show up and shine’ in every area of your life.
Trust in your True North, be guided by your compass of compassion and hold the translation of Namaste in your big, beautiful heart for all the world to see…
“My soul honours your soul.
I honour the place in you where the entire universe resides.
I honour the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you because it is also within me.
In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are One…”
All love and blessings of the fullness of Mother Moon’s golden glow, I see your strength, I love your light, you are perfect, whole and complete in this moment…Tanya xxx