There is a lot to love about the energy of an Aries New Moon! It is the first sign of the zodiac, a hug from the universe that says ‘lets begin again’.
Aries is the sign of ‘self’, it is all about being you and being true to you. This new moon is an invitation to purify old perspectives that perhaps sabotage your success and the best way to reclaim a stronger sense of self is to smudge your space; cleanse to create a ‘new moment in time’.
When you burn sage or other sacred herbs, you breathe your heart intentions into the holy smoke and smudge your home and yourself to bring forth the blessings of renewal for your body, mind and spirit.
Smudging connects you to the Creator Source energy through the power of your I AM presence and restores clarity. With clarity you have insight and can see where you self-sabotage by allowing the feelings of ‘I’m not good enough or worthy enough’ to interfere with divine inspiration.
Sage to engage with a new way of Being. You are the master who measures your success, no-one else. Let go of the need to view your success through the lens of another’s success…it’s time to trust yourself.
If taking the time to redesign your bigger picture and committing to one positive, empowering and do-able step daily feels like success to you…than you are right, it is!
This New Moon in Aries is an opportunity to ‘clean house’ and bless the beauty of you with balance and beginnings. Always be true to you and love yourself through thick and thin, this is how happiness emerges from within.
I love your light, let it shine…Tanya xxx