Have gratitude for your story.
Celebrate every chapter and
Be empowered by every page,
Because you are blessed to be the author
So treasure every stage
In the book of your becoming a
Shining light in this Golden Age… Tanya M Ashatara
Oh Luna Divine how blessed we are to be directed and protected in your cycles of creation! Another Full Moon flow in Aquarius for this month of August…more energy for more magic!
As we teeter between leaving Leo and vibing with Virgo our life force lifts into a lunar lucky time! Re-remember that the Full Moon in July was asking - will you? Will you find the courage to be clear about your character and awaken the warrior within? Will you walk unafraid and unaffected?
Then the Lions Gate Leo New Moon opened a very special Stargate of Sacred Geometry to empower your voice and your choice. And now as I feel into the intention of Mother Moon’s wisdom for this time, my awareness is flooded with images of the Blue Lotus.
The Blue Lotus has always been ‘growing me’. I have felt it’s presence for the longest time, it is tattooed on my arm, it is deeply symbolic of my spiritual journey and it is now rising to bloom in all the hearts of humanity, to anchor you into a rich awareness of all that you are and all that you are becoming.
Your stories have been wonderful teachers; are you able now to lean into your learning and acknowledge the wisdom within you? The Blue Lotus is a symbol of prosperity, stillness, infinite potential and rebirth. Its natural beauty mirrors your natural beauty, your true Divine Nature that will always choose to grow to the light, with wisdom, power and love.
Take time to look into the light of the moon; to sense the cosmic mystery, to discard all your history and to trust that you are the author of your own awakening…you are choosing to be unapologetically you. And as you feel the joy in accepting yourself, you feel the joy in accepting others…this is true peace, the only peace. Celebrate each others literature, enjoy each other’s ‘books of becoming’ but please know that it is completely ok for you to love your book the most!
“As the soothing light of the full moon induces the petals of a blue lotus flower to open, so grace, the feminine Divine, induces our spiritual love to awaken, blossom and spread its fragrance into the world…”. Radhanath Swami
Sending so much love…Tanya xxx