This is a big beautiful moon to seal in all the promise and potential of this weeks special star gate portal with the rich symbolism of the Water Bearer; the mystical healer for your emotional body.
Your holy human feelings matter. Your emotions can expand or contract like the inhale and exhale of your breath, so the mystical Water Bearer pours forth her light, like rivers of love, to bathe you in currents of higher consciousness.
This is Divine Intelligence, the ‘air’ element of Aquarius, that invites you to drain away the old and direct the ‘new in you’ too fresh feelings of harmony, happiness and creative inspiration. Be still and surrender to the wisdom within you; your soul knows that your heart is the bridge between worlds and you have the power to choose a world of beauty or a world of battles. See your life through the lens of love, gratitude and grace, and you will literally ‘feel’ transformation taking place.
You are the living embodiment of ‘heaven on earth’, can you feel your self-worth shifting? Your thoughts lifting? Ahh… now you are aligning with the magic of this moon…stay in this space and glow with golden light.
All love and blessings of heart illumination…Tanya xxx