I spent a lot of my life seeking my purpose as if it was something growing outside of me; like it was a ‘living thing’ just waiting for me to stumble across it in the wilderness of my many wanderings. I had no concept of being present because I was so preoccupied with finding my ‘thing’ and I actually believe that this is the reason I have so many memory blanks in my life, because I was never present, my actual life wasn’t really going to begin until I found my ‘thing’.
I had no concept of belief or trust, not because I skipped this class at school (wish there was one), I just simply had no idea how to trust myself, or believe in myself or my choices, my direction, my life! This is worth pondering for a moment because it is interesting to reflect how willingly you believe and trust in the opinions of others, yet not your own.
You have been pushed from a very young age to trust your parents, your peers, your teachers, your employers, but no-one ever taught you to trust and believe in yourself!
I personally have found for myself and clients, that to suddenly shift and trust in big new beliefs can feel very overwhelming and untrue! But to begin with a belief that you know to be true for you - something that you contribute to the world, like, I believe I am helpful or creative or kind or supportive and to truly focus on this belief for a day or more, will naturally lead you to create more new beliefs about you and your life.
You have a wealth of wisdom within you. Integrate new beliefs slowly, try them on for size, get comfortable with change and remember to take small steps that enlighten you, not big steps that frighten you!
So right now, in this moment...what is something new you can trust and believe about you?
All blessings of illumination and joy...as you begin to believe, you are opening your heart to receive...big love, Tanya xxx