Have you stood in wild winds and felt the full force of nature meeting the wild beauty of your soul? You cannot stop yourself from closing your eyes, tilting your head upwards and smiling in a fierce and fabulous moment; where you lose yourself, find yourself, and feel the same ‘untamed’ spirit alive in you!
This is the energy of this New Moon, where Grandmother Crab, who rules the realms of true soul expression, is urging you to delve deep into your wildly intuitive nature and toss away your old beliefs about you to the winds of change, so you can stay TRUE to your wildly Divine nature.
You are constantly bombarded by messages, media and more telling you what is the right way to fit in, to ‘fix’ yourself or how you can pay for someone or something to solve your every issue. These are all distractions, like pretty packages, except they will feel empty inside because you and only you, have the answers to every outcome in your life.
Stop second-guessing yourself, you are way too powerful now for that old pattern! Lean in and listen…not to the voice in your head but to the language of your heart; which speaks in feelings - if it feels right for you, regardless of logic, then you are free to take the first step…and the next…and the next. Small steps, at your own pace, will hold you in the grace and guidance of the universe.
New Moons are for new intentions, even if it involves just tweaking your original intentions, the invitation is to manifest something new from that wild and wonderful space within you!
Big love and blessings…Tanya xxx