The zodiac sign of Cancer is ruled by Mother Moon; so this New Moon you will feel in tune with your emotions and your wildly intuitive nature and you will seek the counsel of the wisdom within you.
Old Mother Crab rules the realms of true soul expression and will hold space for you to explore your inner shell. In your temple of light, she guides you to re-remember your natural rhythm and the creative inspiration that is waiting to be a welcome guest in the way you do you.
Planets have aligned to make this New Moon a time of tremendous good fortune! It will feel like the universe has your back, but please know that change can never occur if you continue doing the same things in the same way!
In the beautiful nurture of this ‘night’ moon, take a deep dive into the mystery and magic of you, because there are pearls of new perspectives just waiting to be plucked and placed into your purpose. This is not the time to go into give-up and a frenzy of disempowering thoughts that sound something like…’but I don’t know what to do’…or ‘I have tried’…or ‘there is nothing special about me…’
This is the time when you close your eyes, breathe, surrender into stillness and listen to what your soul has to say. There is no hidden agenda; the truth is that the majority of you will not pause long enough to discover something new hidden in you…but you can change that in this moment, because you are quite magical too.
New Moons are for new intentions, even if it involves just tweaking your original intentions, the invitation is to manifest something new from deep within you!
Let us all bathe in the ocean of infinite possibilities together and surface feeling fresh, free and focused on Divine outcomes for our life.
In love and illumination…Tanya xxx