Welcome first New Moon of 2022! So much gratitude for the rich symbolism of the Sea Goat who offers inspiration for your personal transformation as you integrate your heart intentions and explore fresh perspectives to your soul’s perfect plan for this year.
For centuries the Capricorn zodiac symbol was the Sea-Goat. It only became the Goat in more recent years, but I love to embody the magical, mystical elements of the original mythical sign because who wouldn’t want to stand on the summit of a sacred mountain surrounded by an ocean of love?
This New Moon is for co-creation with the Cosmos, trusting the earth beneath you and the love all around you as you rise with the dawn of your own sacred inner sun and live the light of your soul!
You are surrounded by ‘unseen’ support and lots of Capricorn energy that is both practical and mystical…taking action on your natural knowing is utilising the wisdom within you. Spend time in stillness, meditation and prayer to engage in Divine dialogue with your holy higher self. This is the path to profound peace and the purpose for your presence on this planet…to live your truth and love others through their personal process of doing the same.
This New Moon I invite you to align your heart intentions for 2022 by contemplating on a legacy that has been left for us all from a great leader, teacher, pioneer or any person(s) that has passed into the Divine dimensional realms, leaving the essence of their wisdom, power and love for us all to evolve our physical and spiritual experience.
I personally have ‘called’ in the mentorship of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Her huge heart for service, her acceptance, her compassion, her inner peace, her grace and her love are all truly beautiful qualities that I find deeply inspiring as I strive to thrive in the golden light of Christ Consciousness.
I have placed her image in my work space because I wish to always weave her wisdom into my words and her unconditional love into all my relationships. I would love to know who you choose to mentor the beauty in you for 2022.
I honour all that you are and all that you are becoming…Love Tanya xxx
Art: the Book of Hours (15th - 16th Century)