Capricorn Super Moon - July 13

Capricorn Super Moon - July 13

Well here we are beautiful Soul Travellers…flowing freely past the midway point of 2022 into a second super full moon for July. This lunar love lands in Capricorn, with our old friend the Sea Goat who loves to mentor your magnificence; your capacity to climb to the summit of your personal mountain, whilst diving deep into your emotional body to unleash a tsunami of creative inspiration.

It’s a sweet ride when you love to love the energy of feeling balanced! This moon is all about aligning your inner yin and yang, taking a moment to ground and gather yourself, so I felt to inspire your journey and share again what the year of the Water Tiger means for you in 2022. 

The following is an excerpt from my post earlier this year;

“The element of water aligned with the Tiger for 2022 offers you a great clue; your emotional well being is essential for your personal empowerment. (this is the essence of this particular moon magic)

You were born with a natural knowing, a sacred sense that is untouchable in the physical but all encompassing in the spiritual. Your intuition holds the secrets to your success. The element of water is the vibrant vessel for the light codes of the cosmic womb of creation and there is a ‘flow to grow’ vibe that is rising in you to be birthed as new consciousness.

This year you walk to the wild side within you and experience a heart awakening, a big love for all that you are and all that you are becoming!

Divine Mother is manifesting her shakti power and presence through you; think Maa Durga who rides upon a tiger and destroys all demons (of the mind) to bring balance in the world. Think Goddess Kali who shatters your illusions into a million pieces to bring you into the truth of your Divine nature. Think Mary Magdalene and her reverence as a radical leader of a Love Revolution!…”

You are responsible for your inner revolution, however that flows for you; perhaps creating time for daily meditation, standing up to be selected for something that you are passionate about or feeding your body high vibrational food…you will know. Although the theme of a full moon is releasing, this moon feels like it is for remembering…remembering how bright you shine when you align with the Divine and reclaim the wisdom within you. 

Choose to feel your way forward. Trust yourself. Nurture yourself. Love the light in you and share it with the world…you matter and you make a difference.

All blessings of moon magic…Tanya xxx

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