December New Moon Solar Eclipse - Grace - Sacred Space

December New Moon Solar Eclipse

New Moon Solar Eclipse

‘Close your eyes. Fall in Love. Stay there…’  Rumi

In this magical moment, when you close your eyes, you are aligning with the energy of the eclipse and inviting golden cosmic light to illuminate your holy heart with all the wisdom of the universe that rests within you.

Lift your awareness to the Divine dimensional frequencies that are flowing through you like fresh perspectives for your path…propelling you now towards the gorgeous gateway of light that is the Solstice, where together we embody a collective shift that is enhanced by a particular sacred event that has not occurred in over 800 years!

Jupiter and Saturn, the largest power planets in our solar system, will align in the sky and appear as a double-bright planet, which is being referred to as the ‘Christmas Star’ or ‘Star of Bethlehem’…this glorious, heavenly hallelujah is sprinkling the song lines with Christ Consciousness, that we return to the rhythmic heart beat of Earth Mother and co-create change together.

So right now as you feel the frequencies of the Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse, understand that this is a giant gateway of galactic generosity…pouring forth golden liquid light through your crown chakra and inspiring you with feelings of gratitude, grace and joy!

Laugh away your old limitations because this solar eclipse illuminates the signposts to your soul’s perfect plan; Divine doorways open to offer opportunities, synchronistic events and miracles made manifest.

You are the beloved; celebrate your joy through the giving and receiving of light…be festive, fun and free!

All blessings of love and peace…Tanya xxx







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