On Friday December 22nd in the Southern Hemisphere, we will experience the longest day of light, and in the Northern Hemisphere it will be the shortest day of light…wherever you are standing, be in ceremony with the Solstice Sun light!
For this golden light of the Great Central Sun offers a beautiful warmth; a space to embrace the presence of peace and shake off the debris of old stories and ways of being, so you can stand in stillness like the stone structures of Stonehenge and open your heart to all the goodness in you and in our world.
Perhaps the abundant flows of love and light streaming to the Earth, are a sweet soul reminder that… the quality of your life, will come down to the quality of your contribution. To cultivate the sacred in each and every day, you must Live to Give!
Give your talents, your smile, your kindness, your voice, your inspiration, your creativity, your joy…you have something unique to Give and you were born to bring it to life!
This very moment is a glorious time to give! Offer your understanding, your acceptance and your full attention to the exquisite force of wisdom, power and love within you and discard the abrasive dialogue of thoughts that harm no-one except yourself.
The Solstice is for salutations and salutations are greetings…will you meet and greet your greater good? Will you turn your face to the Sun and say; I love all that I AM and all that I AM Becoming? Will you Live to Give all the magic and mystery of YOU to the beautiful experience of life…just because you can?
Create a ceremony for yourself with the sun. There are no rules. Simply accept this rich invitation to respond and reveal more of your own light, in whatever way truly feels right.
All blessings to you beautiful friends, I love your light in my life! Tanya xxx