The abundantly beautiful symbolism surrounding the celebration of Easter, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, offers you an invitation to explore your feelings. A wonderful energy of expansion weaves into the world supporting you to choose ‘what needs to go in order for you to grow’.
This is the perfect time to ‘birth’ something new in you. To find a fresh flow, a new perspective and to notice the abundance in nature!
Easter is symbolic of the one constant in humanity…Evolution! Our path is to continuously expand our consciousness as holy human beings, living the fullness of life by sharing our gifts, our love and our joy right here on Mother Earth.
Will you choose to evolve as a ‘participant’ or a ‘passenger’? Will you choose to ‘re-awaken’ or ‘resurrect’ something new in you?
Be a Joy Bringer! Rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of your past and choose to be present! Feel the revelation of knowing that ‘you are enough’ and that truly you are beautiful!
BE a disciple of Love-in-Action and pay it forward! Always listen to hear and make it your mission to inspire and transform all environments with your radiant light!
All blessings beautiful souls…I love your mystery and magic! Tanya xxx