What a big beautiful moon energy we have this month! Despite the ‘Aqua’ influence, Aquarius is an air sign, the element associated with your heart chakra. It is dreamy and vast and opens the doorway to the divinity in you, the infinite in you, the beloved in you. All possibilities expand with love and live in you!
I like to believe that this moon magnifies a Golden State of Mind; a sublime state of being that is created when diversity, creativity and powerful positivity collide…here all things can be Golden!
The mystical, Aquarian healer pours forth the waters of life that flow with currents of love…she is symbolic of your emotional intelligence and your capacity to dream wide awake. This moon is for the dreamers, the lovers of life and for those daring to pioneer new pathways despite the demands to stay put.
People literally drown in indecision every day; they focus on insignificant disruptions and sink, without ever offering their energy to expanding into something new…don’t let this be you! Hold on tight to that golden pearl of possibility that exists as your imagination. Lift your eyes to the sky, your feet will follow.
With only love and more love for the evolution of you…Tanya xxx