Beautiful Mother Moon and the zodiac of Cancer both align with the element of water and it is good for you to feel that the waters of the world are like the womb of Earth Mother, holding you in an ocean of love, that you honour your emotional body and surrender to the deep waters within you because through emotionally letting go…you will grow.
Unleashing the truth of your emotions, whether out loud or on paper, is like a spring shower for your soul; it cleanses and clears the way for something new to seed. When you say the word emotion out loud, the natural emphasis is on the letter ‘e’ and if you look to the symbolism of the letter ‘e’ in English and in Hebrew it means ‘the breath of God’. Spiritually it represents Energy, Experience and Enlightenment and signals EXPANSION.
So the word ‘e’-motion literally translates as energy in motion. Through experiencing the truth of an emotion, you are letting go of something old and creating space for something new. This is not your permission to unleash a fireball of fury and frustration! I am suggesting that you sit in stillness, observe your emotions and make friends with your feelings; love and laugh with your rage, cry with your sadness, dance with your joy…celebrate your emotions as a pathway to fresh perspectives!
Remember that old Mother Crab, the symbol for the Cancer zodiac, is here to guide you inward because this is your ‘home’, your sacred space. Your skin is your ‘protective shell’ from the overwhelm of the outer world..this is why I always say ‘feel sacred in your skin because all wisdom lies within’.
Beloved Kuan Yin is known as the Goddess of the Moon and the Protector of the Pearl. Pearls are known as Stones of Potential, also as the teardrops of the moon; they symbolise the wisdom of the waters within you, reminders that your emotional experiences contribute to creating something truly beautiful to behold…your purpose and potential are precious. My son Reef gave me a rose gold and pearl bracelet for Christmas…it could honestly not be more perfect for me in 2023.
Lean into the love and compassion of Kuan Yin, call upon her grace to guide you in your emotional body. She will not let you drown in a sea of suffering, rather She will support you to surface slowly in an ocean of love and breathe in all the blessings from above.
Trust your intuition, your inner ‘tutor’, for this moon phase is a very powerful time for reflection and renewal. Take the plunge into your own pool of perfection because this entire year will hold the frequency of ‘feel your way forward’. You are close to the eve of the Chinese New Year and 2023 will be the Year of the Water Rabbit…the Rabbit brings extreme good fortune to those that follow their heart - I will do a post all about this a little closer to January 22nd.
For now beautiful soul travellers, seek to sit with the truth of your soul. In this space you will always feel whole and ‘on track’ because this amazing Universe totally has your back!
Big heart hugs of happiness and moon magic…Tanya xxx