I love love that the first full moon to glow its goodness upon you in 2022 brings the comfort of Cancer and all the Mother love to lift and shift your emotional body.
How are you feeling your way forward in your life? You have the power to choose how you are going to feel in any given situation and actually if you have chosen to walk the way of love and evolve your true Divine nature, you have a responsibility to nourish your emotional body with fresh feelings and perspectives born of love.
At any time you can call upon the Angels of the Ruby Rose Ray to illuminate the direction of your day with their exquisite love and light. It is your birthright to experience consistent feelings of great joy!
Allowing ‘outside interference’ to affect your emotional well-being literally feels ‘soo last year’! Turn inward. Rest your awareness in the radiance of your sacred heart where there will always be an outpouring of love, for yourself and for others too.
The symbolism of the crab for the Cancer Zodiac guides you ‘home’. The ‘feeling’ of home in your heart is your safe space. This is your protective shell from the overwhelm of the outer world. The Divine fire of all wisdom, power and love is within you; like a river of light, a rich soul syrup that is soothing and supportive as you choose to honour your sovereign self with feelings that empower your path.
Choosing to beautify your Being with lots of high vibrational feelings that rise through meditation or when in nature or through prayer and decrees, also requires a decision to be consistent. So please, as a little love note to self, offer yourself the gifts of patience and persistence, evolution happens under the grace of Divine timing, not yours….it is enough for you to simply have the willingness to show up and shine everyday.
This full moon release the need to repeat old patterning and reclaim Divine inspiration for your inner transformation. Call upon the angels, the ascended masters and the presence of Mother/Father God to ignite in you wonderful feelings of extraordinary love, profound peace and irresistible joy. Let this light be like a golden syrup for your soul and dance in the revelation that you and you alone have power and dominion over how you choose to feel in any given moment.
All blessings and celebration for all that you are and all that you are becoming….Tanya xxx