Oh how powerfully perfect to experience the final full moon for 2020 with the exquisite energy of old Mother Crab!
She is holding a huge heart space for you to turn inward, to rest in the radiance of your sacred skin and surrender to the feeling of ‘home’.
“Home is where the Heart is…”
How often have you heard this? How often have you actually integrated this? ‘Home’ is a feeling. A feeling that creates waves of warmth, certainty and permission to be unapologetically you in all your uniqueness. Be at home in your pearlescent shell of purpose and prosperity.
As you come to the close of a year that has brought many extremes; from madness to magic and everything in-between, the one constant Cosmic Question that has hung in the hemisphere has been…
"Will you create a life from the luminous light within, that YOU love to live, unaffected by outside interference?”
Let me support your answers…In a year of variables, did you remember your true values? Did you stand in your mighty I AM Christ presence and power to embody change with ease and grace?
Did you remember that it goes against the Laws of Nature to seek answers outside of yourself? Only YOU hold the ‘Soul Seed’ of your creative IMAGINATION that seeks inner TRANSFORMATION to support ALL ILLUMINATION!
Mother Crab loves to lead you inwards so you can find yourself, understand yourself, know your truth and evolve from a holy heart space.
Sense the feeling of ‘Home’ supporting your natural intuition - you were born to be brilliant! Not blindfolded to the wealth within you.
This full moon is for ceremony with self; light candles, diffuse fragrant oils, gather your crystals and return Home! Let yourself rest and restore to become MORE of the magical, mystical, magnificence that your are.
BE Grateful for everything, big and small, there is soo much to appreciate on this planet.
It is beyond beautiful that you end 2020 with the water element; feeling the fullness of Divine Mother’s love flooding your awareness with the currents of Christ Consciousness that will carry you into 2021…the Golden Age of Miracles has begun.
All blessings of abundance, health, happiness and JOY…Tanya xxx