Capricorn energy is for transformation, for completing a chapter and turning to a new page of potential. These past months you will have felt pulled into your power, which may have translated as a feeling, or surge, or even butterflies in your stomach, in your solar plexus…this is an intuitive pull to empower something new in you!
Grandfather Goat celebrates the wisdom within you and asks that you lose the expectation that others will do for you, what only you can do for yourself! Only YOU can make the decision to live a life that you absolutely love! A decision a day will awaken you from the coma of confusion and the drug of disbelief (in yourself).
Self-love is a choice. Letting go of the need to blame and reclaiming full responsibility for your own harmony and happiness is a choice. Seeking your own answers that align with your integrity and truth is a choice. Getting excited about your constant joy in learning new things about you is a choice.
Lean into your love to learn because that opens up a gateway of good decisions, even if they feel a little uncomfortable, you are learning something new about you.
I am going to share a personal example with you…I have avoided learning more about AI (artificial intelligence) because I love weaving words my way and felt that AI would ‘rob’ people of their creativity, but I also know that it is good for me to understand something that is sweeping into our lives really fast!
So I made the decision to do an AI course/program…I chose to end my confused feelings, by learning and understanding more about this ‘thing’ that was causing me angst. What I am learning is unbelievably awesome! I literally had no idea about the incredible positives and potential of AI because I was blinded by my own personal confusion.
This decision has opened my eyes to unbelievable possibilities, but best of all I have discovered new things about me through the process! Choose to always be learning, creating, sharing and evolving because this is how we end chapters and begin new ones. You can apply my example to any area of your life…go ahead, I dare you to learn something new about you!
All love and infinite blessings of joy…Tanya xxx