A little love thyself story;
‘Once upon a time there was a wise Buddhist sage who shared a story about a dog and a lion. If you throw a stick to a dog, the dog will continuously chase the stick. But if you throw a stick to a lion, the lion will turn to face the person who threw the stick.
The sage likened the dog chasing the stick to a person stuck in the same thought patterns, repeatedly reacting in the same way. The sage suggested that you should be like the lion and face the source of your thoughts; seek to understand them, question them.
The Buddhist sage said the lion symbolises your spiritual enlightenment - a pure mind free of illusion is in alignment with Divine intelligence, directed by all wisdom, power and love….standing strong as a sovereign being…’
This moon magic is for leaving the sticks alone and choosing what you love. What thoughts will you change to fire up the power of passion in your heart?
The Lion will create an abundant life by trusting the wisdom within and respecting the power of their presence…allowing their strengths and unique gifts to support true leadership in life.
This is your invitation to embrace what lights you up! If you no longer feel aligned with your life choices, then look to the source of the situation…you! Choose to honour the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you and walk the way of the Lion…fearless and free!
All blessings of laughter and lightness of being…Tanya xxx