Full Moon in Libra & the Energy of Easter

Full Moon in Libra & the Energy of Easter

The gentle grace of Libra guides you to seek harmony and see beauty…in all ways and in all things. And if we align this planetary invitation with the expansive energy of Easter, you are being asked to believe in something new about you!

Will you soften into the sweetness and beauty within you and see your soul as sunshine? Really feel how your radiant rays are here to warm the hearts of those who have been lost in the shadows; with your smile, or with simple statements of encouragement or gestures of loving kindness that intuitively rise up for you to act upon in the moment.

Think of yourself as the Bower Bird, seeking out ‘the shiny’ brightness and beauty in others and communicating with a heightened awareness to restore harmony and happiness…just because you can!

Easter is a time to resurrect your life force and renew right relationship with yourself and others. Lean in to the bright light within you and see your true beauty, that is essentially here to ‘glow up’ the globe and bless others with hope and positive feelings. There is a quote that forever sits in my awareness and it has the ability to soften me in even the most ‘prickly’ moments;

‘People will forget what you say. They will forget what you do. But they will never forget how you made them feel…’

This full moon focus all your love and light on how you make others feel. Have a big intention to leave all people, places and things with an exquisite high-vibe energy because this expands love and expels old patterns that no longer serve any of us…be a Joy-Bringer…be that!

All blessings of love, light and illumination…Tanya xxx

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