Full Moon in Pisces - Create Your Own Currents of Love - Grace - Sacred Space

Full Moon in Pisces - Create Your Own Currents of Love

Beautiful Dreamers and Believers, this Full Moon is shining through just for you! I know that this past week you have been challenged; possibly been teary and a bit upset over little things that you thought you had long left behind, but take heart because the tides are turning and your inner radiance is now returning.

This magical moon glow brings forth the flows of compassion, inner knowing, sensitivity and acceptance. Pisces powers up your psychic energy in phenomenal ways! Everything you feel will be real and here to empower your pathways of prosperity. You will experience revelations of rich ideas, inspiration through your imagination and strong certainty that ‘dreams do come true’.

I can feel the nudge and nurture of Goddess Saraswati who blesses your creativity and capacity to absorb new knowledge. She loves to teach you the power of spiritual law through the spoken word to lift you from limitation and lack.

Saraswati teaches the true meaning of success; that too often it is defined by money - but success is defined by being spiritually rich, not spiritually bankrupt. Your dreams, your unique gifts and your heart intentions will naturally evolve from stillness, from that space of grace that allows love to lead the way…sacred surrender…letting go and finding your flow…cruising on the currents of your creative self expression.

Take time today to daydream; visualise your beautiful blueprint for success, seeded with the wisdom of Saraswati, who offers you permission to paint a big picture of happiness, abundance and joy with you in it!

Create currents of love through weaving wonderful words that awaken your true Divine Nature and then swim your own way.

All blessings of love and illumination…Tanya xxx

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