To be ‘Moonstruck’ is generally defined as unable to think or act normally; being a little crazy because you are affected by the lunar phases and are having a romance with life out loud!
Sagittarius suggests to your soul that it is time to ‘unsubscribe’ from the vibe that there is a need to maintain appearances for the purpose of pleasing others…your life is an adventure to be lived!
You need to be a little moonstruck right now because for many there seems to be the need to make a choice - that ‘everyone’ (whoever everyone actually is) believes its necessary to choose the right way, or the logical way, or the normal way, as if there are only ever 2 options and no room for the Divine to direct a completely new normal your way!
Sir Sagittarius is a deep thinker with a wild sense of adventure and will not be contained by limiting thoughts in a large universe of endless possibilities! Let go of the pressure to please and choose because how could the creative genius of the cosmos ever be limited to set solutions outlined by human behaviour rather than holy happiness?
This full moon flow is urging you to let go and live large! Sit back and see the stars in you! Surrender the need to make a decision for fear that nothing better can occur and let nature navigate for awhile…savour the sunrise that is your eternal promise that something new can be born through you…and relax…you’ve got this…all you have ever needed to do is be unapologetically YOU.
…And I love you for your wild wisdom that will not settle with a solution for the sake of pleasing others…I love that you pioneer new pathways and inspire us all to live our lives as free spirits, moonstruck by the sheer mystery of life!
Big love and blessings, Tanya xxx