A beautiful big moon to get emotionally invested in your personal potential and to understand just how intuitive and wise and creative you are when you focus your sights on new heights.
There is a word that often looms over our longing for change and success…it is the word ‘apprehension’. This is an unpleasant emotion that restricts your natural knowing because you are battling with the mind monkeys that love to chatter about all the negative possibilities that might occur when you choose to pursue your dreams.
Do you want to know what the opposite of apprehension is? It is certainty! The vibrant vastness of Sagittarius opens your eyes to the power of your potential. It is the acorn to oak tree opportunity; you may feel small, but it is your dreams that make you tall!
This is the perfect time to get high on the adventure of life and leave those junkie monkeys for good! Create your own silver lining by savouring all the possibilities for your path and pursue them with a passion!
This full moon is moving you forward, guiding you to the horizon of happiness - it is for taking action, stepping into leadership of your life and holding the torch for others to see their way too.
The vibe is to unsubscribe from old emotions that limit all that you are and all that you are becoming. Hello beautiful big dreams! Let’s meet in the magic of this moment and dance in a new direction!
If you are willing to create, you will absolutely ‘activate’ some beautiful new beginnings, because this flower moon is here to nurture you into full bloom. Shake off your old energy, step out of feeling stuck and stand in the glory and goodness of you.
All blessings of magic, miracles and more…Tanya xxx