Ooh this moon energy is deep, delicious and surprisingly decisive; in that this is a time of emotional completion in whatever way rolls for you. The partial lunar eclipse is supporting a transformation in your emotional body, with the sun in Scorpio giving you permission to fully feel, and the moon in Taurus grounding you through the process.
Mother Nature offers you extremes in weather, landscapes, etc to bring light to the truth that you too are a body of extremes…to the point where some of your emotions feel like total foreigners…but foreigners are friends, and definitely beautiful teachers…welcome to the wild and raw and beyond beautiful true you!
This moon magic is sitting in the seat of your sacral chakra, a pool of infinite mirrors, where your emotions will always reflect what you are deceiving or denying within yourself. You attract situations and persons (even foreigners) that help to illuminate this, and with the eclipse energy blinking in the background, you get your learning quick!
No longer will you need to labour for long periods of time on the ‘why…?’ Because now you will feel the empowering pleasure of asking ‘why not…?’ Choose to feel your way forward; see your life as an adventure in the wilderness - you have no idea what is up ahead but heck that’s ok, because you feel more alive than you have done in ages!
Taurus Moon Mother love wraps her arms around you so that you feel safe and supported by the ‘unseen’. You require less material confirmation, you MOVE more, you feel your energy expanding and reaching for more LIGHT! You definitely feel less inclined to be comfortable and very happy to walk your way forward with more freedom and flexibility.
This is a time for completion and creation. Eclipse energy will fast forward everything a little bit…but buckle up for the ride, you’ll be glad you jumped aboard the carousel of change…it’s preparing you for loads of good fortune and great vibes in the new year that is approaching fast! Decide to end your year on a high that lasts!
Big love, hugs and blessings of happiness…Tanya xxx