Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Every eclipse offers you an opportunity to close your eyes and open to the wisdom and wonder within you. A Lunar Eclipse, as opposed to a Solar Eclipse, will be all about exploring your emotional body and your immense power to choose how you will feel about your life.

Sometimes we and I say we, because I feeI we all experience this at different stages in our growth…it’s pretty much called being human…we can roam about this world like guardians of our own galaxy; fiercely protective of our inner sanctum, literally guarding our aura from anyone or anything that may possibly upset our cosmic calm, but are you missing the magic of interaction? Of learning more about love and your capacity to give it and share it despite the meteorite showers of anger, jealousy or whatever else may be hurtled your way?

What if, in an unguarded moment, you hugged the heart of humanity, chose to feel all the goodness in this world and welcomed the opportunity to see it all through the lens of love? You have a natural, protective armour, that guards you, it’s called your intuition and it is a firm invitation to trust your feelings when a person or situation feels off…but be careful that your mind is not messing with this magic and holding you separate from the wonders in this world!

This full moon is in Taurus, a beautiful, loving, earthy energy emanates to bring you back to your true Divine nature…that is love. And love is a flame, a holy fire that burns through your self-imposed illusions to restore your inner radiance and reveal the universal truth that we are all connected in weird and wonderful ways.

We are all teachers, students, beginners and experts…we each have our own unique gifts and insights but we were all born to love, and to love is to learn that we are forever the pupils in the paradigm of life and our only question to every predicament and plan should really be “What Would Love Do?”

This lunar eclipse is seeking a surrender of your armour, that you may awaken to the power of love, especially in the area of relationships. If you feel a little vulnerable, keep going…there will be gold in this galaxy!

All love and blessings of illumination…Tanya xxx

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