Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse - Visible in Australia! - Grace - Sacred Space

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse - Visible in Australia!

Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Wednesday May 26th

We welcome the first eclipse of the year this week and here in Australia we have the delight of viewing this celestial event should the cloud cover remain clear. I have shared the viewing times around Australia below from Channel 9

 “In the eastern capital cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart) the total lunar eclipse will begin at 9.11pm and end at 9.25pm.

In the country's centre (Adelaide, Darwin), the eclipse will begin at 8.41pm and end at 8.55pm. In the west (Perth), the eclipse will begin at 7.11pm and end at 7.25pm.

A partial eclipse will be visible about 90 minutes before and after the total lunar eclipse.”

 This full moon in Sagittarius will be the largest and most luminous for all of 2021…it is indeed a Super Moon, as close to the Earth as it gets!

 An Eclipse will always be an invitation to evolve your emotional well-being through endings and openings, and in all honesty you may not feel quite ready to accept this invitation so place your hand on your heart and trust in Divine outcomes…love will take it from here.

 The vibrant vibe is ‘unsubscribe’! Detach from the drama, the noise and the often cruel comments that are flying around in a media frenzy right now; make meditation a daily non-negotiable and absorb the equilibrium energy of the eclipse because Father Sun and Mother Moon are in union, aligning and shining Divine Intelligence with Divine Love so that you can feel powerful in your purpose upon the planet.

 Sagittarius supports you to dive deeply into your inner world and bathe in the beauty of you. The eclipse equilibrium is soothing your soul with perfect peace, holding you in harmony with your higher self so you can catch all the waves of inspiration that flow to and through you as Cosmic Christ Rays of Light and illumination.

 During this cycle of co-creation it is your responsibility to PROTECT YOUR PEACE. With the sun shining in Gemini you will have no problem in expressing your truth; support your inner sanctum by honouring your soul’s need for silence and communion with the Source of All That Just Is. This is a precious portal for transformation, remain in reverence through ritual, ceremony, mantra and prayer.

 This is a magical, mystical moon for birthing new chapters in your life; open your heart to receive the full flow of lunar love and inspiration…trust your intuition, it is not wise to go against your inner knowing at this time.

 “Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there…” Rumi

 May all dis-ease dissolve and your consciousness evolve…under grace.

 Sending so much love…Tanya xxx

 Artist:  Rene Magritte (1944)




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