This final full moon for 2022 in the airy energy of Gemini is all about thoughts and is urging you to be curious and creative with how you see the world and you in it! It’s a Divine connection for deeper, more meaningful direction kind of flow, propelling the power of your thoughts to embrace fresh perspectives and ponder upon some rich revelations.
You are entering a very special and sacred time of year. Move beyond the material to the ethereal and consider the symbolism of a story that is deeply embedded in your psyche, because there are elements that are priceless teachings for living an empowered and prosperous life.
Will you seek the sacred star, the light of love within you and live your soul’s qualities courageously? Shining and sharing kindness, compassion, brotherhood, unity, integrity, well-being, grace, goodness, abundance and joy. For the keys to inner revelation are offered to every generation, again and again, through the power of a story that is usually just celebrated rather than truly considered as a way to more wonder in your life.
I invite you below to allow the possibility of a fresh perspective to the age-old story of the birth of Jesus, our spiritual brother…
- That ‘Shepherds and Sheep’ symbolise the importance of ‘watching over’ your thoughts.
- That ‘no room at the Inn’ is suggesting that when your mind is ‘busy’ you cannot ‘birth’ anything new.
- That ‘the stable’ represents a quiet space of stillness and sanctuary where you are able to ‘birth’ something new.
- ‘Wise men coming from the East’ is your capacity to choose new thoughts and listen to the wisdom within you.
- ‘The Angel’ is for you to trust that you are always guided, guarded and protected. It is safe for you to Let Go and Let God.
- ‘The Virgin’ is richly symbolic of a new consciousness…the light of the star enters the stable - the sanctum of your heart.
- ‘The Star’…You are the LIGHT! Follow your true North because all wisdom lies within you.
Our beloved brother Jesus is your magical mentor to mindfulness and Christ is the spiritual consciousness within you…LOVE is your religion!
Beneath the golden glow of this magical, mystical moon, Let Go and Let Grace. Get curious and contemplate the true meaning of the Christmas light in your life. Guard your thoughts, hold them in a space of stillness amidst the ‘noise’ of the world and LOVE OUT LOUD!
The power of your thoughts to produce miracles through prayer, meditation and silent affirmation is so beautifully demonstrated through the Divine light and love of the Christmas story. Re-remember that you hold the Christ Light within you and go forth, shining like a thousand bright stars, especially with your family, which is really all people in this world.
All love and blessing of illumination, Tanya xxx