I love that the New Moon is entering, as we are ending, a month that at times has felt stranger than fiction. I know that many of you will have felt like foreigners in your own landscape of life, as your thoughts and emotions wrestled to welcome change and opt for adventure instead of avoidance.
Maintaining a sense of adventure and curiosity for the unknown has felt both exhausting and exhilarating, but you are free to quietly high-five yourself for not avoiding the cosmic call for conscious co-creation with the universe.
The New Moon in Gemini brings the love offering of the air element, to blow away the debris of indecision and breeze in with swift support for clarity of your inner thoughts. You will find that the energy around you and within you feels lighter and is strengthening your capacity to listen to the language of your heart…with ease.
Your heart is intimately aligned with the element of air, so that your positive, loving and inspiring thoughts can be swept into the world like the smoke from sacred smudge. The more you focus inward, the more you freshen your perspectives and revitalise your life force, so you can flow forward with purpose and passion.
For a little extra icing on your cake, always remember that you were born with many gifts! Don’t feel you have to stay on a path you no longer enjoy because everyone says ‘oh you’re soo good at it’! Don’t ever be afraid to leave something that feels mediocre for fear that you won’t find another ‘thing’ that you can be good at. Be curious. Explore your talents and infinite potential, surprise yourself and watch as synchronicity ushers in new opportunities for you to shine like a radiant sun.
Love the way you live your life! All blessings beautiful soul…Tanya xxx