Welcome New Moon in Gemini! How powerfully perfect to have an air sign sweeping us into the Solstice; like a gentle wind gust that blows through your hair and around your body so you feel flexible and in the flow…
The element of air is in right relationship with your heart chakra, where you are conscious of how you breathe and ‘inhale’ life. Your heart loves the present moment the most! Because in the present moment you merge with the living flame of light that ignites all wisdom, power and love within you!
As you read this right now, take a deep breath; breathe in to the count of 4, hold for 4 and slowly exhale to the count of 4…can you sense the immediate peace and presence of power? Notice how your thoughts have fallen away, like leaves to the earth and you feel mesmerised by the sheer magic of the moment!
Now in this powerfully potent moment, the New Moon in Gemini invites you to share your intentions with the winds of change. Give your visions a voice; say your heartfelt wishes out loud, to yourself and to the cosmos and let the co-creation begin.
You are literally cocooned in the light codes of the Solstice that occurs on June 21st and the gifts of Gemini are holding you in your heart space to connect, communicate, compromise, commit and create! Let love lead you now…live your life as an adventure, not an avoidance, remembering that there is great power in the mystery of the moment…breathe and believe!
All love and blessings of new moon nurture…Tanya xxx