Beloved Soul Travellers, as we move closer to the Taurus Full Moon on Saturday 31st, you can expect a lot of abundant energy ‘treats’ and the only ‘tricks’ will be old, stubborn beliefs of ‘I’m not good enough’…but beautiful you will be aware and awake to these ‘costumes’ of the mind that simply are not real!
This upcoming moon magic is extra special; it is called a Blue Moon, not because the moon will appear ‘blue’, but rather because it is rare. So thanks to the phrase originally coined by Shakespeare, you will experience a ‘once in a blue moon’ event.
Coupled with the fact that this falls on the same day as Samhain, you will feel that this is a ‘supernatural’ energetic time, both magical and mystical, with strong feelings that you simply just want to be absolutely free to dance in the delight of your true Divine nature!
After almost a year with a lot of ‘outside interference’, where opinions, theories and control have hung in the atmosphere that surrounds your auric fields, you get to fall into the grace and guidance of Grandmother Goddess Blue Moon…(I am inserting a ‘happy dance here’ option).
The enchanting energy of the Grandmothers’ will be running through your veins like rivers of light…leading you to your holy heart star flame that illuminates the wisdom, power and love within you. Your intuition is heightened beyond belief…trust yourself completely and repeat after me;
“I AM a Being of the Sacred Fire and I AM all the love that I require to fulfil my Soul’s Perfect Plan…”
This magnificent moon in Taurus, ruled by Venus, will be offering positive, powerful surprises that come packaged as ‘ah ha’ moments…those magical feelings that flood your entire being with the bliss of clarity and dissolve all debris of doubt and ‘what if’.
The sooner you step into aligned action to design Divine outcomes for your life, the better!
Earth Mother is magnifying your potential and your prosperity…this is a significant time to ‘make a decision and do it now’…choose what makes you happy and lights you up on the inside, because you will be a beacon of hope on the outside…and the world needs hope and lots of beautiful souls (like you) to remind the hearts of humanity that it is our birthright to experience happiness, abundance and joy…spooky how special you are!
Big Love and blessings beyond belief…xxx