How Do You Experience Self-Love?

How Do You Experience Self-Love?

Hello Beautiful soul!

The topic of Self-Love has become quite huge! So many podcasts, marketing grabs, journals and images all supporting the subject of Self-Love.

I often wonder if people know how to create the FEELING of self-love for themselves, because essentially to experience self-love, you have to create some beautiful feelings that align for you as ‘loving yourself daily and deeply’.

I felt to offer some ways that I create the feelings of self-love for myself….you may or may not relate, but you will certainly have a good idea of how you can create feelings of love for yourself and I recommend you start by asking yourself this question -

What do I do that makes me feel a whole lot of love for myself? Like...


  • I totally love myself when I make the time to communicate with family or friends that have been ‘hovering in my awareness’ for awhile. I feel amazing afterwards and love myself for listening to my intuition.


  • I love me when I choose to make my home and work space extra beautiful and inspiring and clean. I love me more when I buy fresh flowers and a fragrant candle to really honour all that I am and all that I am becoming.


  • I cherish the feeling of deep self-love that I have when I tend to my plants, hydrate my body, prepare yummy food and stretch!


  • I honestly love myself so much when I have planned way ahead for a birthday and have a card and gift tucked neatly away for the occasion and I am definitely having a wild romance with me when I nourish my soul with new knowledge, meditation and laughter.


  • And I absolutely adore the love I have for myself when I choose to live life on my own terms and give myself permission to say No in a loving way, when saying yes doesn’t feel right for me at the time.


All of the above are simply some examples of how I experience feelings of self-love…I hope that they inspire you to create your own path of passion for who you are.

Big love and blessings, Tanya xxx

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