For many many years I have had the privilege of facilitating my Soul Illumination Programs; Diamond Light Level One and Jewels of the Diamond Light Level Two, both In-Person and Online - these eleven week journeys are beyond beautiful!
DIAMOND LIGHT LEVEL ONE gently guides you to emerge as an empowered, energetic Being with a radiant awareness of your Diamond Light Body supporting your Soul Path and returning you to the wisdom within, where Self-Healing, Self-Assurance, Self-Realisation and Self-love bloom in beautiful, inspiring ways.
Every which way you turn you are often made to feel not enough; robbed of your freedom to feel that you are beautiful in your sacred skin and that you matter. Self-love serves as the greatest syrup for the soul, the medicine that manifests miracles and magic…. My heart intention for the Diamond Light Level One Program is that you experience a deep remembrance of devotional love for all that you are and all that you are becoming through the awareness of your spiritual anatomy.
JEWELS OF THE DIAMOND LIGHT LEVEL TWO is an exquisite experience of personal pilgrimage; a deep surrender to the Wisdom, Power and Love that exists as the threefold flame, your Divine Spark – that burns brightly as your holy heart flame, the embodiment of your luminous LIGHT.
Following the flow of Soul Illumination through an awareness of your spiritual anatomy in Level One, you are ready to release all resistance to the Holy Light; the aspect of you that is ‘whole’, moving you further from the debris of materialism to deepen your spiritualism through the expansion of your Diamond Light Body and specific colour codes or ‘Jewels’ of Creation.
You are a great gift to this planet! The teachings of Level Two will settle as sacred seeds and rich truth in your heart, ‘quickening’ consciousness through the expansion of luminous light and the teachings of the Great White Brother/Sisterhood that speak only of loving kindness, compassion and service.
Your Soul is seeking Spiritual Success – this translates as feelings of fulfilment, happiness and joy as you connect to the beauty of your Soul’s Perfect Plan and co-create Divine Outcomes and Opportunities.
I invite you to register your interest for the next Program dates when they become available...blessings.