June Solstice Celebration - Grace - Sacred Space

June Solstice Celebration

Oh joyous June Solstice! Such a blessed time for ceremony and celebration as we invite, invoke, embrace and embody the LIGHT!

The word Solstice literally means ‘sun standing still’, so the Sun is holding a sacred space of time for us to realign our focus and faith inward, so we can all rise like radiant suns and flourish with good fortune, guidance and grace.

In Australia (the Southern Hemisphere) our focus is on ‘inspired intentions’, in the Northern Hemisphere, your focus is on ‘inspired actions’ and both will receive an extra ‘birthing boost’ as we flow into the Full Moon frequencies of Capricorn on June 25th that loves to light up success!

Success in financial wealth, spiritual health and all that you require to sweeten the life you love to live!

In every ancient lineage the Solstice equals Ceremony; what will you create and demonstrate, to illuminate the beautiful light language of your heart that so desperately seeks expression?

Soo many magical choices! Will you fearlessly face the sun and surrender your baggage for beginnings? Will you light candles and chant your prayers for peace and prosperity? Will you create flower mandalas and offer them to the Great Central Sun? Will you place bowls of pure water to be charged with light and anoint your awareness whilst drinking in your dreams?

Whatever way you choose to celebrate will be perfect for you, but don’t procrastinate; prepare and propel your radiant revelations to be supported by this potent elixir of exquisite light energy and evolve, evolve, evolve!

Love love your luminous glow so much precious soul tribe! Rise and shine…big heart hugs…Tanya xxx

‘I am nurtured by the cycles and seasons in Nature.

My love flows and grows and my heart rests in rapture.

As I and the Great Central Sun become One

My journey ends and yet, is begun…’ Tanya M AshaTara




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