There are life times and life times and layers upon layers of energetic contracts that require completion, because completion brings creation, and the Earth Plane is the chosen embodiment for completion and creation.
It is not difficult to understand this law; what you inflict in the negative or the positive upon another, you must then experience for yourself to understand the feelings and emotional attachments and outcomes that were created by you, through your thoughts, words and actions.
For every action there will be a reaction and also a choice is held within the choice point, as to how the vibrational frequencies will travel –
*When you choose to respond in the positive, outside of the drama, you remain in your heart centre and create a cord that links to the golden chain of your highest good. This cord will continue to seek more and more links…you are literally a magnet to more goodness and waves of positive in your life.
*When you choose to react in the negative and immerse yourself in drama, allowing your point of power to dissolve into doubt, despair, judgement and indecision, you also create a cord that links to a different vibrational frequency but with the same intention as the attach to more and more links and continue waves of negative in your life.
Where there is karma between two souls, it is because both souls have already decided to complete a specific learning together – it is actually a very beautiful pact and takes powerful teachers to instruct each other through the dense physical frequencies to the empowering and enlightening frequencies of love and light infinite.
Through Karma, the Universal Law of Love in Action, your ‘Inner sight’ is given the opportunity to complete and create…with love!
For every event there are multiple outcomes that can be manifested – no exceptions – black and white cannot possibly exist in a dimensional existence of multi-coloured rainbows.....think about that! Is nature seen in black and white? Or do we view spectacular landscapes, dazzling sunsets and animals of awe-inspiring colour combinations?
When you ‘see’ beyond the illusion of small (thinking mind), you are immersed in a collective consciousness of pure intent and creation...nothing is limited, all is infinite. You came here to express this pure consciousness on your planet.... and this is love in Action!
Love is pure consciousness; guided and directed by a deep heart knowing that you are all gathered here on earth for the benefit and good of each other – gathered to support and assist every single soul to see their infinite potential.
Your journey is never about individual gain because that leads you away from the loop of infinite love....your journey is to be a connector, a link, a piece in a powerful puzzle that cannot show its full glory without the other pieces – it is intricate, delicate and so delightful, this fabric of faith that you walk with.
It is only when you see yourself as a supporter of these love lines, that you raise your own vibration and expand ever more into the creation of conscious mindfulness; what you do, wish, say, think for another – you are doing, wishing, saying and thinking for yourself.
There is no ‘better than’ but there is ‘brighter than’ and the bright sparks ignite the awareness for other soul sparks to shine also.
Karma is often used in a very off hand manner; used to barter and inflict hurt ‘watch out for your karma’ or ‘glad I am not you.’ This is not the intention of the Divine teachings of karma, for it is devoid of any personal responsibility or willingness to find a better way.
You clear your karma the minute you see a greater learning, embrace love and claim your part with and only you are responsible for your own gains, and your gains offer the greatest insights to the facets of the diamond that is you.
Where there is forgiveness of self and a heart intention to heal, a new awareness is born and all negative cords of energetic attachment dissolve to native nothingness and a new moment in the Now is created because you have completed a cycle.
Karma comes in many clothes; you can choose to fill your closet with beautiful, spiritual cloth or you can fill your wardrobe with wasteful, weary outfits that weigh you down with burdens of judgement, that you then ask others to ‘wear’ with you!
Free is the soul that seeks to adorn their sacred skin with kind and inspiring spiritual cloth (loving thoughts) always showing up to offer goodwill and support, for this is true wealth, good karma, well- being and love!
Beautiful soul, what will you complete and create today?
With love and blessings, Tanya xxx