You possess the Saggi Superpower of creating a ‘new moment in time’…any-time! And this new moon is your cosmic invitation to co-create with the Universe and manifest the magical outcomes that you wish to welcome now and in the new year.
2024 is an ‘8 year’ so it will be your year to move into mastery! As this is the last New Moon for 2023, it brings you great gifts of promise, power and potential…pure inspiration for dreamy transformation!
Take a moment away from the festive frenzy and focus on the beauty of you and what your heart really wants to experience and express. Write down or visualise in great detail, the marvellous, miraculous outcomes and opportunities that FEEL aligned and amazing for you!
Wrap yourself in a blanket of stars and dare to dream wide awake! Serenade your soul with the energy of expansion and excitement! You are the magic wand! Weave spells of success into everything that you do and say!
I leave you with my favourite Christmas quote from the Conductor on the Polar Express -
‘Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we cannot see…’
May you journey with joy in your heart…all love, Tanya xxx