New Moon in Sagittarius  (November 24th)

New Moon in Sagittarius (November 24th)

Here you are, emerging from an eclipse season where you have experienced challenges, change and a big yearning to create. I was going to say both positive and negative challenges and change, but I feel we are emerging into an awareness that everything that we experience is held in the heart of Divine Intelligence, and there is no need to define, only to discern what feels and flows from a foundation of love.

This New Moon in Sagittarius brings with it a fresh feeling of a new moment in time; a fiery, free-spirited feeling of life is soo good!

Pull out a pen and paper and write down all the beauty and blessings in your life, then include some shiny new intentions that make you shudder with excitement because this is an amazing time to celebrate you and your extraordinary light!

There is an exceptional energy of expansion in the air and the breeze of abundance is kissing your skin, inviting you to begin a new cycle, where you have an acute awareness that your words hold the power and potential to be a wonderful wand for making magic real! Put down the words that you use as weapons in a war with your self, and serenade your soul with a Divine dialogue of love and encouragement. 

You honestly possess the Superpower of creating a ‘new moment in time’…any-time! Co-create with the Universe and manifest some real magic. This is the cosmic invitation for this New Moon, to write out your thoughts, feelings, dreams and intentions, then to wrap them in bright light and bless the beauty of you for daring to dream wide awake!

As we are waltzing into the festive season, I leave you with a quote from the Conductor on the Polar Express (such a beautiful, magical movie)

‘Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we cannot see…’

May you journey with joy in your heart…all love, Tanya xxx

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