New Moon,  New Lunar Year,  New You!

New Moon, New Lunar Year, New You!

There is immense beauty in the Chinese Zodiac; I love that it reveals to you the energy of the year ahead by aligning it with an animal and an element of the earth and then birthing this into your awareness on a New Moon. Let us welcome the Water Tiger for your wild adventure of heart awakening - the purpose for you in 2022.

If you gaze into the all knowing eyes of the Tiger you will see courage, freedom, a piercing power born of patience and a wild fire of unwavering purpose that smoulders with passion and leadership. Look into the eyes of the Tiger in this image…will you receive this reflection in you?

The element of water aligned with the Tiger for 2022 offers you a great clue; your emotional well being is essential for your personal empowerment.

You were born with a natural knowing, a sacred sense that is untouchable in the physical but all encompassing in the spiritual. Your intuition holds the secrets to your success. The element of water is the vibrant vessel for the light codes of the cosmic womb of creation and there is a ‘flow to grow’ vibe that is rising in you to be birthed as new consciousness.

This year you walk to the wild side within you and experience a heart awakening, a big love for all that you are and all that you are becoming!

Divine Mother is manifesting her shakti power and presence through you; think Maa Durga who rides upon a tiger and destroys all demons (of the mind) to bring balance in the world. Think Goddess Kali who shatters your illusions into a million pieces to bring you into the truth of your Divine nature. Think Mary Magdalene and her reverence as a radical leader of a Love Revolution!

Divine Mother love is both gentle and fierce, dissolving duality through the unity of both darkness and light. Your mission, should you accept, is to flood your frequency with fresh perspectives, lean in to new knowledge, break out of boxed in beliefs, trust in the power of the spoken word and get grounded to feel great!

The expansive energies of the New Moon in Aquarius bring wisdom through the winds of change and offer a good indication that the Year of the Tiger will have you roaming into right relationship with yourself and adapting to change, choices and beginnings like a born leader…which you are! Step into leadership! When you create the right script for your life, you will always be the star of the show! See 2022 with ‘the eye of the tiger’, deeply symbolic of a fierce focus to birth the best version of you, surrounded by the rich substance of success.

Go Wild Earth Child! Enjoy the adventure called ‘Your Life’!

Big hugs of happiness and joy…Tanya xxx


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