Rare and radiant is this second new moon in Aries that appears centre stage with a partial solar eclipse that will be visible in some parts of the globe as a ring of fire!
Eclipse energy is like the Universe blinking! A magic moment that presents an opportunity to reset your intentions and re-imagine your world. What exactly is hovering in your awareness as a little light that you would love to flame into a full fire of passion and purpose?
New moons are for new intentions and when aligned with an eclipse, everything is amplified! So what is your Divine Design for your life? This is the perfect time to get excited about expanding something new in you! Use your imagination to take a little leap or one giant leap in a new direction…sense it, savour it, see it and believe in the beauty of beginnings.
However, there is a little disclaimer with eclipse energy; it will also reveal secrets and deceptions! It is good to remember that not everyone plays the game of life governed by the laws of love and it you have been hurt or hindered by another’s actions that have surfaced to be seen…be thankful!
Don’t let their darkness cast shadows on your sunshine! Perceive all the positive in the experience and imagine a ‘ring of fire’ surrounding you, holding you and healing you - for when the ‘Universe blinks’ there is a fresh foundation, a fertile space, waiting for your seeds of inspiration and warrior spirit to create something new THROUGH you.
May you fuel your heart flame with fire and light and grow in the grace of good fortune! You are now in the business of designing Divine outcomes…All love and blessings…Tanya xxx