There is information overload around this potent and powerful New Moon and total Solar Eclipse, but it is absolutely deserving of all this dynamic dialogue because it centres around change, and it feels both unsettling and expansive at the same time!
Firstly there is a lot to love about the energy of an Aries New Moon; it is the first sign of the zodiac and will stretch into your soul saying ‘lets begin again’, ‘lets set off on a new adventure and pioneer a new path’.
Aries is the sign of SELF. It is all about being true to you and taking responsibility for designing direction in your life.
It is about being brutally honest and asking yourself how you are contributing to areas in your life that cause you angst? Are you holding on to an old ideal of self that no longer serves your physical and spiritual evolution? Are you honouring the wealth of your worth? Are you valuing your time?
New moons are for purifying old perspectives that are sabotaging your success so you can reclaim a stronger sense of self, and eclipse energy is for surfacing something new in you whether you are ready for it or not!
I would almost guarantee that you have been sensing, even savouring, a shift occurring within you and around you for weeks now. Please let what needs to surface get some air! Believe in the beauty of beginnings, and know that a fresh foundation feels good! Don’t tiptoe around the elephant in the room, change is a beautiful constant in your life and it is your greatest teacher!
Embrace this fertile space! Together we are seeding a universal warrior spirit that will not settle for anything less than light, truth, honesty and love. As you experience ‘the darkness’ of the eclipse, however that rolls for you, please think of it as the womb of ‘no-thing’ from which a fresh flow of consciousness is born…beautiful!
May you fuel your heart flame with fire and light, all blessings…Tanya xxx