Pisces New Moon

Pisces New Moon

This is a dreamy New Moon that is designing your direction with both closure and creation. These past months have sprinkled your soul with droplets of inspiration, as if the universe has been throwing in some wild and wonderful ideas to keep you thirsting for change but the ‘how’ has kept you in your head and not your heart.

Pisces empowers the intuitive, wise and spiritual aspects of your true nature and will cast out ‘over thinking’ in favour of ‘fully feeling’ every time! 

This New Moon is offering you an invitation to free fall into the depths of your emotional body and reclaim all those wild and wonderful ideas that have quite possibly been drowning in pools of indecision, so you can give them the breath of beginning and revive them with excited emotions that are flowing like cosmic currents of light from the beauty of your heart.

Now is the time to chant a new decree and declare your intentions to the Ocean of Opportunity that is conspiring with lucky Jupiter to bathe the brave with surprises and success. Grow your own good fortune by using this template to create your decree - 

‘With the Power of River, lake and Sea, I now Decree that I AM….’

Fill in the blanks with your deepest desires, all that lights you up on the inside, that makes your heart burst with excitement and your soul celebrate with love as wide as the world!

You are intimately aligned to the waters of the world, to the mystery and magic of the sea…use your decree in New Moon ceremony and flow freely with a living frequency of faith and fulfilment.

All love beautiful souls…Tanya xxx


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