The magic of this moon is enhanced by the mystery of Scorpio, who sees through the illusions of your mind and seeks to know only the beauty of your soul. Scorpio values trust in relationships and the greatest relationship you will ever experience is with yourself; you are together forever!
Let’s revisit the energy of the recent new moon/solar eclipse in Aries, that is the sign of Self. The focus was all about being true to you and taking responsibility for designing new directions in your life. So now you are sensing the seeds of something new in you and preparing to pivot to your highest potential…it’s a bud to bloom kind of feeling!
But wait! Are you overthinking and second-guessing your power to pioneer a new way forward? Are you feeling the need to control every single outcome in your life? Scorpio sees through all your illusions and simply says LET IT ALL GO!
If things have not been working out as you had planned, or you have put off ‘pulling the plug’ on a current venture or even a relationship, please now choose to be transparent with yourself! We can be quite masterful in manipulating our mind and emotions to stay in comfort rather than creation.
You will not find new pathways in old patterns, you must let go to grow! Take time for solitude and soak up this full moon flow…be true to you. One small step off the beaten track can elevate your energy, increase your courage and make you feel quite pleased with yourself! This is a magical way to partner with your potential…hello happiness and highest good!
Big love and blessings…Tanya xxx