Scatter Your Sparkles of Star Dust...
Love love the light of this silvery moon for celebrating all the magical aspects of you and the big, beautiful shifts that you have welcomed with open arms for most of this year. Although some weeks have felt like ‘tough love teachings’, you are here, in this moment with me and the wise words of Sagittarius who says,
“Dive deeply into your lovely life, bathe in the beauty of you and scatter your sparkles of star dust like confetti into the celestial skies…just because you can…”
Get high on the adventure of life. Spend time savouring all the possibilities for your path and pursue them. This is the perfect time to do something new, or to decide that you will view your present circumstances through a lens of love, trusting this is right where you are meant to be and the Universe has a plan.
Love yourself up with language that is inspiring, healing, happy and motivating. This full moon is moving you forward - it is for taking action, stepping into leadership of your life and holding the torch for others to see their way too.
The vibe is to ‘unsubscribe’ from old paradigm patterning and conditioning; remember the phrase from the last full moon that was ‘things turn on a dime when you align with the Divine’? Well, all your aligning has been gradually refining, the way you do you!
This is an abundant time! Know the wealth of your worth, open your heart to receive the money and outcomes that you so richly deserve. Let go of self-slavery and say…
‘Hello happiness and success! It’s great to meet you in this space of surrender, I am ready for an epic adventure, show me how to participate and empower prosperity in my life…’
If you are willing to create, you can activate beautiful beginnings, but be open, because this cosmic shift is revealing new gifts and new ways. Shake off your old energy, step out of feeling stuck and stand in the glory of your golden light.
All blessings of magic, miracles and more…Tanya xxx