What a wonderful week to be you! Tomorrow is the December Solstice and the following day is the New Moon in Capricorn and the energy of this portal of power and potential is electric! The flow and focus of both is to celebrate your uniqueness, with the awareness that there simply is no other quite like you! An awesome quote by Oscar Wilde comes to mind…
“Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken…”
The word Solstice literally means ‘sun standing still’, so the Great Central Sun is pausing to empower you with LIGHT! In every ancient lineage the Solstice is an invitation for co-creation; a sacred ceremonial space to look at your life through the lens of light!
Do you see yourself as a body of light? Or a body of burdens? Because a body of light will move through life with grace, guided by the wisdom of the heart. A body of burdens will move through life in fear, frightened by the future and heavy with doubt and indecision.
If the Solstice translates as the ‘sun standing still’ then the invitation is for you to stand still and ‘see ‘ your truth and what is truly ‘lighting’ you up on the inside! In Australia (the Southern Hemisphere) our focus is on ‘inspired action’. In the Northern Hemisphere, the focus is on ‘inspired renewal’ but both hemispheres are seeking illumination from within…what do you need to do to sweeten your soul in order to feel whole?
This entire week is super-charged with cosmic light codes, there is no better time than NOW to make new choices, dream new dreams, or to build, design, create and instigate a bright and beautiful big picture with you in the spotlight! You are the Light-Leader of your life!
Whatever way you choose to integrate your intentions and celebrate the syrup of the sun will be powerfully perfect for you, but DO NOT procrastinate; prepare and propel your exquisite inner light with an elixir of fresh insight and evolve, evolve, evolve!
Love love all you magnets of magnificence sooo much! Be a luminary, for you are made of the rich substance of spiritual success, you were literally born to be a beacon! Big love and heart hugs…Tanya xxx