The June Solstice

The June Solstice

In every ancient lineage the Solstice is for ceremony; a time to worship the Earth and acknowledge the season you are in, but the greatest offering you can gift to this world is your own radiant light!

You are truly like a little golden sun, capable of pouring forth your light and expanding the energy in all environments…go shimmer that sunshine all over the place!

The word Solstice literally means ‘sun standing still’, so the Great Central Sun is holding a sacred space of time for you to realign with your inner radiance and embrace the warmth within you. Shift out of the shadows (your doubts, fears, insecurities, fill in the blanks…) and greet your goodness!

There are abundant flows of love and light and you can see this support reflected in the exquisite beauty of nature and you can feel this support when you lift your face to the sun and embody the rich truth that each and every day offers you a new dawn.

Will you receive this gift and be present to your infinite potential? Especially as the full moon following the Solstice is in Capricorn, that absolutely loves to light up success in every area of your life!

The magic of Capricorn is MOVEMENT. So start pioneering new pathways, get creative, sweeten the life that you love to live by being the success you are seeking! Make a decision and do it now!

Anoint your awareness with this potent elixir of light energy and evolve! Love yourself deeply…I see your luminous glow…big love, Tanya xxx

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