Embrace the Power of the Lion's Gate
Behold the Lion’s Gate in Leo! May the radiant rays of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, illuminate your power of choice and give your soul an authentic, loving voice.
This is a phenomenal date! 8.8.8 is so significant, holding ‘infinity energy’ symbolized by the Merkabah, directing your consciousness to the divinity of the Great Central Sun, our Spiritual Sun. This celestial event enables high-frequency light to pour forth upon you, blessing you with cosmic codes to awaken your heart chakra and third eye. This is truly sacred geometry, the geometry of grace, where miracles follow miracles and blessings never cease! Embrace this day with JOY!
Leo, the Child of the Sun, is full of LIGHT and fierce in courage, with the capacity to co-create with the New Earth Paradigm of the Golden Age of Miracles. Focus on your solar plexus and behold your Sacred Inner Sun! Surrender to the outpouring of exquisite light and lean into your heart, for Leo rules the heart and motivates the miraculous in you!
Leo has a lot to ‘roar’ about, preserving self-expression, purpose, and your sovereign power. We need this fire sign now to support us all in absorbing the light of All Illumination and senabling us to shine like a thousand suns! Embrace this moment, and let the powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate uplift and empower you.
Feel the fierce courage and LIGHT within you, and co-create a future filled with miracles. Shine brightly, stand strong, and let your authentic voice be heard. Together, we can embrace this cosmic transformation and radiate our highest selves.
Loving your luminous soul on this day…Tanya xxx