I love numerology, astrology and any scientific or spiritual theories that support us all to learn more about our true nature. This curiosity guided me to dive a little deeper into the significance of the actual day we are born.
I was fascinated by our relationship to the ruling planet of each day of the week and loved all that I was able to research and also channel, to bring to life the beauty and blessings that are naturally gifted to you on the day of your birth.
I feel that knowing about your day of birth, gifts you with more reasons to love who you are and understand on a deeper level the energy that is evolving you in the universe. Don’t worry if you have no idea what day of the week you were born, I found a great helper through Google that gives you your ‘day’ straight away!
Find out on what day you were born here
Now that you have the day of the week you were born, you will love learning a little more about the energy of your birth day…
Sunday - the Sun - Bringers of Light and Illumination.
Whilst everyday of the week brings a beautiful blessing, those born on a Sunday are considered the luckiest of all! The magnetic power of the Sun has blessed you with an aura that is a natural ‘attractor’ to beauty and abundance. You were born to be a beacon of hope and happiness in this world. You have a loving relationship with the earth and feel grounded but you also feel connected to the celestial realms and are deeply aware of the ‘unseen’ support in your life. Your learning in life is to love yourself deeply and understand that rejection is not necessarily about you. Embrace your free spirit, share your ideas, speak your truth and step into leadership.
Monday - Moon Child - Deeply Intuitive, Creative, Connected.
You are blessed with an emotional intelligence and a huge capacity for loving kindness and care. Truly aligned with the ocean and all bodies of water, you were born to ‘ride your own wave’! You believe in the magic and mystery of the universe and this translates in your life in very creative and inspirational ways. You are super sensitive to your environments…so your learning is to stay in your own lane and shine in the shadows. You value good relationships and are a beautiful parent, whether to people, plants or animals.
Tuesday - Marvellous Mars - Energy, Action, Inspired Intentions.
You are a born leader with a thirst for new experiences. A true pioneer spirit with a fiery love for life! You are practical yet passionate; a fierce warrior for a cause that is close to your heart. You are confident and love a challenge, when you speak it is for a reason, you do not suffer small talk and love to live with a bigger picture. You must be mindful to respond rather than react to life, especially when in a team, although I am sure you will always be voted in as the leader!
Wednesday - Mindful Mercury - Communication, Discipline, Big Dreams.
You were born an avid learner and lean into all things ‘communication’ especially in your ability to connect with others. You have an awesome ability to improvise and solve problems with smooth solutions. You have an adventurous spirit and love to travel, especially with your partner or good friends. You have a naturally powerful presence, even though you are ‘laid-back’…be careful not to be too laid back in certain areas of your life, speak your truth and it will set you free. Interestingly, you will communicate clearly on just about anything in life except your own emotions, you can change this pattern because it is your vulnerability that supports your vibrant life force.
Thursday - Jupiter - Optimism, Good Fortune, Generosity.
Good fortune will always follow you because you have an uncanny ability to make your own luck in life. You are willing to try new things and be open to whatever the universe brings…you do not conform and live your life very much as a free spirit, so be mindful that you do not break all the rules! You are very skilled at navigating life and brilliant at supporting others to do the same. You are successful, passionate and have solid family values. You are straight-forward, which serves you well and gifts you with the capacity to offer good advice. Always embrace your expansive energy.
Friday - Venus - Beauty, Grace, Creative Self Expression.
You have beautiful values and honour them with integrity. You appreciate all the arts, like music, poetry and painting and you have a natural grace that guides you and others well in life. You are super creative, yet you must be aware of your perfectionist tendencies so that you remain the beacon of love, romance and pleasure that you are. You are excellent at being fully present with another; you are a good listener and a great lover. You thrive on having a powerful purpose in your life and you truly value happiness and harmony in all your relationships.
Saturday - Saturn - Deeply Spiritual, Balanced, Blessed.
You were born with a natural maturity, an old soul full of wisdom. You love stillness and being alone. You are a brilliant organiser; practical, patient and prosperous. You tend to step back a little in love relationships, it takes time for you to bond but you are beautifully loyal and loving when you feel safe to truly be you. You are excellent in business because you will not compromise on your high standards and solid values. Remember to come out of your ‘shell’ and share the light that you are! You are a powerful spiritual seeker who loves to look within and is willing to take full responsibility for your life…which is lovely!
No matter what day you were born, know that all power, love and wisdom is within you to live a life that you love to live...all blessings, Tanya xxxx