Virgo Full Moon in March

Virgo Full Moon in March

The magic of this full moon in March is wrapped up in the words of the Virgo Maiden who speaks to your spirit and asks….

‘Will you serenade your soul with self-care, surrender and supportive speech?’

Overthinking your next move, feeling the need to be perfect and worrying about your worth, all cripple your capacity to make the magic real in your life! All your mistakes are simply stepping stones to your greatest success and actually are a great service to others on their journey.

March is for music! Manifesting your unique melody with the sun in the flow of Pisces and the moon anchored to the earth in Virgo, it’s the most perfectly powerful time to ‘sing your soul song’!

Free yourself from the fear of not ‘hitting’ that perfect note and simply share all the beauty that flows from your heart…unleash your inspiration into the world…we need your chorus in the choir of life!

Re-remember the beautiful truth that the universe is always gifting you with encouraging signs of confirmation; maybe number sequences, chance encounters or words that feel they are written just for you! Will you please discard the need to worry and just let the cosmos create through you?

Keep your focus on your feelings (they are your friends) and trust that as you near the evolving Equinox energy later this month, you will be learning new lyrics that lead you from the ‘wall of wondering’ to the open doorway of unlimited possibility! You will absolutely be serenading your soul with a new season, a new story, a new chapter and a vibrant vision of your greater good.

Stay in your heart. Let a Divine, devotional song play through you, as you rise to actualise all that you wish to feel, heal, experience, expand and embody on your beautiful journey through life. Build physical health and spiritual wealth by declaring your I AM presence and power…and lastly, don’t mess with the magic of Mother Moon, embrace her light and love for you.

All blessings, Tanya xxx

Artist: Marianna Mello

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