I feel that since the last full moon flow of transitional energy, many beautiful souls will have made new choices and cleansed a lot of old energy; perhaps physically, in the home space or spiritually, in the emotional heart space. Either way there will have been a soul shift and now you are experiencing what I like to call the Divine Void.
Don’t be alarmed if you are feeling a little ‘empty’- please know that you have created a void, a place that is fertile and fresh but can mean that for a brief time, you will feel a little more sensitive, maybe even emotional, like needing to cry for no reason, which I say go right ahead because this is an added bonus to the cleansing and clearing out the old process.
The Universe abhors a vacuum, a void, and loves to ‘fill’ it with rich new experiences and opportunities…usually with an answer to your prayers or powerful intentions….but it is also a time of trust, knowing that there is Divine timing in all things…and your time, will not be the same as my time, but we get to encourage each other through it all.
Virgo values deeply the beauty and abundance of right relationship with our Earth Mother, and this is where you will find comfort and reassurance as you move through your personal soul shift…in the nurture of nature. Let the deep symbolism of growth in nature inspire you. You are moving towards a new season and depending on where you are in the world, you are either letting go or letting in, both are wonderful, both are beautiful…lift your burdens to the sky and let your spirit fly!
Let the sunrise take your breath away…let the sunset take your doubt away. Let it all fill you with the promise of a new dawn…inhale the feeling of being reborn. The Virgo Maiden is patient, humble and kind…give these gifts to yourself…in abundance!
All blessings beautiful souls…Tanya xxx
Artist: Olaf Hajek.